コーディネイト例 #00005

Coordination example #00005

Coordination example of Giemon brand dress.
(Model is 157cm tall)
Popular Kurume kasuri shirt collar dress 291 Wear striped beige karashi top. If you pair it with a thick cut and sewn inner layer, it will look stylish even if you leave the buttons open and wear it as a jacket.

It would have been a little sad if it had remained a straight line, so I wore Kurume Kasuri Balloon Pants Ka713 Wooden Blue for the bottom to give it a sense of volume. In terms of the thickness of the fabric, it is recommended for spring and autumn.

For the bag, I chose the shoulder bag M diamond lattice grass blue/navy blue, which is compact and easy to carry.

Beige and green give just the right amount of color for an autumn walk.

Items used in this coordination
Kurume kasuri shirt dress
Kurume kasuri balloon pants
Shoulder M

*The product may be sold out and the linked product page may no longer exist.
*Products other than those listed are the model's personal belongings.

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