





【別注】Giemon G904 裏地付き裁ち切りスカートを配置を微妙に変え、フリンジを無くして作成させていただきました。

[Special order] Giemon G904 I created a lined b...

This time, in response to a request from a customer who regularly uses our Kurume main store, we have created a Giemon brand skirt G904 with a slight arrangement.

[Special order] Giemon G904 I created a lined b...

This time, in response to a request from a customer who regularly uses our Kurume main store, we have created a Giemon brand skirt G904 with a slight arrangement.

【別注】重要無形文化財技能保持者 緒方早雪さんの久留米生地使用 久留米絣別注コート ソ256-2を製作しました。

[Special order] We have produced Kurume kasuri ...

We created a Kurume Kasuri lined coat using the fabric that the customer found on Instagram and had been looking for for a long time.

[Special order] We have produced Kurume kasuri ...

We created a Kurume Kasuri lined coat using the fabric that the customer found on Instagram and had been looking for for a long time.


[Special order] We have created a souvenir hand...

As a souvenir for the 60th birthday reunion of Kurume High School graduates in 1981 . Kurume kasuri handkerchief (red Kurume kasuri for the 60th birthday) I created something with...

[Special order] We have created a souvenir hand...

As a souvenir for the 60th birthday reunion of Kurume High School graduates in 1981 . Kurume kasuri handkerchief (red Kurume kasuri for the 60th birthday) I created something with...


[Collaboration item] In collaboration with Yosh...

We created a Kurume kasuri gift box to hold the ``Itoji'' sweets designed with the Sanskrit characters on the amulet of Kurume Suitengu Shrine.

[Collaboration item] In collaboration with Yosh...

We created a Kurume kasuri gift box to hold the ``Itoji'' sweets designed with the Sanskrit characters on the amulet of Kurume Suitengu Shrine.

【別注】藍染手織り生地使用 久留米絣別注ワンピースを製作しました。

[Special order] We have created a custom-made K...

In response to a request from a customer for whom we previously made a custom-made product, we have produced Kurume Kasuri Coat 223 from hand-woven linen fabric dyed with indigo.

[Special order] We have created a custom-made K...

In response to a request from a customer for whom we previously made a custom-made product, we have produced Kurume Kasuri Coat 223 from hand-woven linen fabric dyed with indigo.