
"Giemon" is a proposal for people who enjoy fashion in their own way.
This is a brand that aims to create simple but particular clothes.


Warmth, gentleness, and quality feel made using traditional Japanese craft "Kurume Kasuri" fabric.
A fusion of the charm of the material and timeless fashion.

We strive for an ageless look that will remain the same whether worn by young or elderly people, and create a high-quality finish that shows the handwork.

Japan has a lot of nature, and even though we live in cities, everyone feels nature somewhere. The colors of the four seasons can only be experienced by Japanese people....

Ageless (fashion without age boundaries) & Borderless (fashion without borders) & Genderless (fashion that can be worn by both men and women)
That is the brand image that "Giemon" aims for.

Giemon product list is here →