【別注】重要無形文化財技能保持者 緒方早雪さんの久留米生地使用 久留米絣別注コート ソ256-2を製作しました。

[Special order] We have produced Kurume kasuri bespoke coat So256-2 using Kurume fabric by Ms. Sayuki Ogata, who holds important intangible cultural property skills.

We created a Kurume Kasuri lined coat using the fabric that the customer found on Instagram and had been looking for for a long time.
This is a very valuable coat made using Kurume Kasuri fabric created by Sayuki Ogata, a national important intangible cultural property technology holder, and has a wonderfully designed coat with large, expressive indigo-dyed plum blossoms. ♪

We are always accepting special orders such as changing the Kurume Kasuri fabric to an existing shape.
Please contact us by email or phone.
We will calculate your estimate.

(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer holidays)
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